Christopher Ferguson Portfolio

My graduation photo


Bachelor Degree of Arts: Computer Science/Math/Geography
Hunter College, New York, New York
  • Majors in Computer Science
  • Member of All About Apps club and Member of Association for Computing Machinery club
  • Minors in Mathematics
  • Minors in Geography
Chris School Pic

Volunteer and Honors

Company Name: Body Sculpt of New York, INC.
Dates Employed June 2012 – Present

Provide suggestions for website design

Performed at events with choir on drum set and organized attendance sheets for sporting classes

Distributed voting sheets to patrons at event for the Mets All-Star game

School Activities and Societies:

  • Member of Association for Computing Machinery
  • Member of All About Apps


  • Dean's List
  • Hunter College Student Success Story

Picture of Me at a CUNY Tech Prep

CUNY Tech Prep

Student Full Stack Developer
Company Name: NYC Tech Talent Pipeline, CUNY Tech Prep
Dates Employed June 2017 – August 2018

Prepare for a software engineering career via a competitive, yearlong training program that blends a full stack JavaScript boot camp with professional development coaching.

Learn in-demand technologies like React, Node + Express, and PostgreSQL as well as tools and processes for design, implementation, testing, and deployment: agile & Scrum with Jira & Slack, test driven development, CI/CD, etc.

CUNY Tutor Corps Pic

CUNY Tutor Corps, CUNY Research Foundation, Baruch College

Math and Coding Tutor
Company Name: CUNY Tutor Corps, Baruch College, CUNY Research Foundation
Dates Employed February 2018 – August 2018

Tutored algebra to 9th and 12th grade students at Cultural Academy in preparation for the Regents exam.

In conjunction with the Baruch College College Now Program, I tutored middle school students at I.S. 96 Seth Low in JavaScript, HTML, CSS using the Mouse Create Program and I tutored Python using

Gave tips and encouragement to 12th graders who ended up passing the regents and graduating on time.

LinkedIn and GitHub

Link to my LinkedIn Profile: LinkedIn

Link to my GitHub Profile: GitHub


Here's a picture of the posts page. Here's a picture of the posts page
Here's a picture of the home page. Here's a picture of the Home page

Real Time Collaboration CMS

Date worked on: July 2020 - Present

Technology used: HTML(with Bootstrap library), CSS, JavaScript(Express.js, Express-Handlebars), AWS

  • Worked on a website app with fellow interns and mentor that allows users collaborate in real-time on a website CMS
  • Used AWS(Amazon Web Services) and the Express-Handlebars library to create a router that handles the situations where a user is creating a post/document or updating an original post
  • Worked on the home page and added jumbotron picture by using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Here's a picture of the background picture. Here's a picture of the Home page
Here's a picture of the blog feed page.
          The posts are about how Derek Jeter is in the Hall Of Fame and Curtis Granderson is a great player and great person off the field Here's a picture of my blog posts about Derek Jeter(who was recently selected to be in the hall of fame) and Curtis Granderson(who is another great player and is a great person).

Sports And Tech Education

Date worked on: November 2019 - Present

Technology used: Wordpress and HTML

  • Created a blog website for the How To Create A Website in a Weekend! certificate course from SUNY
  • Earned a final grade of over a 97 for building the website and added a Facebook and Pinterest page for the blog
  • Utilized a site map to plan out the structure of the website (which has 5 pages and another page with 2 subpages)

Link to my Sports And Tech Education website is below:

Link To Sports Tech And Education website

Here's a picture of the top of the header of the website. Here's a picture of the website's header.
Here's a picture of cornbread waffles on mobile phones. Here's a picture of cornbread waffles on mobile phones.

Waffles: A Versatile Type Of Food (Wix/WordPress version)

Date worked on: November 2019 - December 2019

Technology used: Wix/Wordpress and HTML

  • Created a website independently and learned how to use the Wix website to build my own website
  • Organized the blog page to display all of the posts or to display posts that are based on breakfast, lunch or dinner
  • Added HTML code to the posts about waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Link to my Waffles: A Versatile Type Of Food website(built using Wix) is below:

Link To Waffles: A Versatile Type Of Food(Wix version)
Here's a picture of the navigation bar and of the Home page. Here's a picture of the different pizza toppings section.
Here's a picture of pepperoni pizza and sausage pizza. Here's a picture of the background image and the menu.

Popular Types Of Pizza (WordPress version)

Date worked on: November 2019

Technology used: Wordpress and HTML

  • Created a website independently and learned how to use the Wordpress Content Management System
  • Utilized a menu to navigate to each page on the website
  • Added HTML code to the Works Cited page and used HTML code to create titles for certain sections of the website

Here's a picture of the navigation bar and of the Home page. Here's a picture of the navigation bar and of the Home page(for mobile devices).
Here's a picture of pepperoni pizza and sausage pizza. Here's a picture of pepperoni pizza and sausage pizza.

Popular Types Of Pizza

Date worked on: October 2019 - November 2019

Programming Languages used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript(ReactJs)

  • Created a website independently and made it a single page application (both navigation bars always stay on the website page).
  • Utilized the react-bootstrap library to make the website responsive to mobile and desktop screen sizes
  • Utilized react-router-dom library to allow the user to navigate through all the website pages and used the styled-components library to customize the style of both navigation bars and the jumbotron component.

Link to my Popular Types Of Pizza project is below:

Link To Popular Types Of Pizza
Picture of the Jammming Website. Here's the songs that are in the search results list and the songs that are in the playlist Picture of the Jammming Website. Here's some songs that are in search results list and some songs that are in the playlist


Date worked on: September 2019 - October 2019

Programming Languages used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript(ReactJs)

  • Created a website that uses the Spotify API to allow users to add playlists and songs for a Codecademy Pro Project
  • Implemented features that allow users to search for songs, add songs to a playlist, remove songs from a playlist and change the name of their playlist
  • Utilized the Implicit Grant Flow by giving users a temporary access token that allows users to make requests, such as adding a new playlist to their Spotify account

 Here's a picture of the result of clicking an image on my website that's called Waffes: A Versatile Type of Food website.
                                       By clicking on an image, you can toggle the image size(make the image larger or smaller) Picture of Waffled Chocolate Chip Cookies(after clicking on it to make the image's size bigger) and Chicken with Waffles
Here's a picture of my Waffles: A Versatile Type Of Food website on a mobile device Picture of Title and Intro on a mobile device

Waffles: A Versatile Type Of Food

Date worked on: June 2019 - Present

Programming Languages used: HTML(with Bootstrap Library), CSS and JavaScript(with ReactJS)

  • Created a website that has multiple pages and is hosted by using the Heroku website
  • Utilized React JS event handler functions to allow the user to click on images to make them smaller and larger
  • Created navigation bar and organized the layout of the description of each of the waffles by using CSS Flexbox and used Bootstrap to help make the website more responsive to different screen sizes (for mobile and desktop computers)

Link to my Waffles: A Versatile Type Of Food project is below:

Link To Waffles: A Versatile Type Of Food
Picture of the form that you fill in to make a story. Picture of the form that you fill in to make a story.
Picture of the story as a result of the form. Picture of the story as a result of the form.


Date worked on: August 2019 - September 2019

Programming Languages used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • Edited existing Form-A-Story Website code for a Codecdemy Pro Project
  • Utilized data lists to make it possible for users to add their own option among a list of options(or use a search bar to find one), dropdown lists to allow users to choose an option and radio buttons to add the ability to choose one of multiple options
  • Added a HTML element called text area to let users write a sentence or paragraph along with other input fields that give the users space to add smaller details about the story and label elements that tell users what they're filling in

Link to my Form-A-Story portfolio project is below:

Link To Form-A-Story

Picture of Musicon Store page Musicon Store Page


Date worked on: June 2019

Programming Languages used: HTML(with HandleBars Library), CSS and JavaScript

  • Edited existing Musicon Website code for a Codecdemy Pro Project
  • Utilized HandleBars Template on the Home and Store page to display info like the Musicion store description and instruments
  • Utilized ReactJS component classes with event handlers to allow the user to click on images to make them smaller and larger.
  • Styled the page by adding space between content(using padding and margin) and adding a navigation bar

Link to my Musicon portfolio project is below:

Link To Musicon
Ravenous website pic #1, before search results Ravenous Search Bar and Header
Ravenous website pic #2, shows search results Example: Searching for businesses that sell pizza in Chicago based on Best Match


Date worked on: May 2019

Programming Languages used: JavaScript with ReactJS Framework, HTML and CSS

  • Created a ReactJS web application by using specs for a Codecademy Pro Project
  • Utilized Yelp API to allow the user to search for Restaurants that sell a specific type of food
  • Added the ability for users to search for restaurants based on highest ratings, most reviews and best match

Feedster Website pic


Date worked on: March 2019 – April 2019

Programming Languages used: JavaScript with JQuery Framework, HTML, CSS

  • Edited existing Feedster website code by adding jQuery event handlers for a Codecademy Pro Project
  • Added a jQuery event handler that counts the number of characters that the user types in their comment box
  • Created jQuery event handlers that show and hide the navigation menu when the user’s mouse hovers over the menu and off the menu respectively

Link to my Feedster portfolio project is below:

Link To Feedster
Chore Door

Chore Door

Programming Languages used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Date worked on: March 2019 - April 2019

  • Created a game by editing existing Chore Door website code for a Codecademy Pro Project
  • Used JavaScript DOM event handlers, such as onclick, to add interactivity by choosing doors to open
  • Implemented a random door feature by putting the chore door robot image behind a door

Link to my Chore Door portfolio project is below:

Link To Chore Door

Tea Cozy Website pic

Tea Cozy

Date worked on: January 2019 – March 2019

Programming Languages used: HTML and CSS

  • Created a website by using specs for a Codecademy Pro Project
  • Created a navigation bar that fixed to the top of the screen that features headings that link to different parts of the webpage
  • Used Flexbox grid to help organize the layout of different HTML elements such as images on the website

Link to my Tea Cozy portfolio project is below:

Link To Tea Cozy
Tsunami Coffee

Tsunami Coffee

Programming Languages used: HTML, CSS

Date worked on: January 2019 - February 2019

  • Edited existing Tsunami Coffee website code to make it responsive as a Codecademy Pro project.
  • Created media queries to handle breakpoints, in order to make the website’s content look properly on phone, tablet and desktop computer screens.
  • Used relative units, like percentages and rems, to make the content proportional regardless of screen size.

Link to my Tsunami Coffee portfolio project is below:

Link To Tsunami Coffee

Random Color Generator Website pic

Random Color Generator

Date worked on: December 2018 – February 2019

Programming Languages used: JavaScript, HTML and CSS

  • Created buttons that allow the user to choose random colors for a Codecademy Livestream Tutorial Project
  • Created a function that chooses a random color and styles the background color of a button
  • Utilized onClick and onWheel event handlers that allow user to click or use mouse wheel to change the buttons to a random color

Link to my Random Color Generator portfolio project is below:

Link To Random Color Generator
Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts Website pic

Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts

Date worked on: December 2018 – February 2019

Programming Languages used: HTML and CSS

  • Created a website by using specs for a Codecademy Pro Project
  • Added a background image at the top of the website and added images for each different section
  • Added prices using the span HTML element, which allows the price to be on the same line as the description paragraph text

Link to my Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts portfolio project is below:

Link To Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts

Picture of Try2Buy home page. Overwatch Logo
Picture of Try2Buy login page. Overatch Logo with Python code

Overwatch Logo that I made during NYC Summer In The City Program

Date worked on: July 2018

Programming Languages used: Python on the website

  • Created the logo from the Overwatch video game to help middle school students complete one of the lessons on the website
  • Designed the logo based on the logo from the Overwatch game
  • Tutored kids in grades 6 - 8 to create logos that were similar (like the Target and the Beats logo)

UrWrld Mobile App pic


Date worked on: February 2018 – May 2018

Programming Languages used: JavaScript with React Native, HTML and CSS

  • Collaborated with a three person team on GitHub and presented ideas for a mobile app using stacks such as Django and React Native
  • Used latitude and longitude with three digit precision to track user position on the map
  • Created Home page and back buttons to navigate to different pages of the mobile app using React Native
Picture of Try2Buy home page. Try2Buy Home Page
Picture of Try2Buy login page. Try2Buy Login Page


Date worked on: October 2017 – December 2017

Programming Languages used: JavaScript with ReactJS Framework, HTML and CSS

  • Collaborated with a three person team on GitHub and presented ideas for an e-commerce website
  • Connected back end/front end through API calls to retrieve data Postgres SQL and designed login/signup page
  • Tested the APIs and Postgres database for the files using programs called pgadmin3 and postman